Tuesday, 31 January 2012

RODs WOD 31/1/12

Wow, that's January gone. If you have been following these workouts and getting at least 3 in a week then you should be starting to feel leaner, stronger and have more energy. Don't focus on weight for the moment.

If you haven't been joining in then feel free to drop into any if the posted workouts at any time. They are designed to suit any ability.

Today, as a lot of the country has had snow, let's do some snowball burpees.

Start straight away with just 1 burpee and in 30 minutes time do 2 burpees then 30 mins later do 3 and so on.

If my maths are correct you will have conquered 91 in eight hours with a set of 16 being your highest.

If burpees are too hard then replace with a star jump (watch out for the china)

Let us all know how big your snowball got.


Monday, 30 January 2012

RODs WOD 30/1/12

"Endurance is patience concentrated. "
Thomas Carlyle

21,s again folks-same basics as usual (45 on 15 off, 3 sets, 1 min rest)

Press ups
Reverse crunches

23 minutes of concentrated exercise.

If its too easy then add weights (dumbells, cat, small child, big chicken) and repeat.


Sunday, 29 January 2012

RODs WOD 29/1/12

Get out into the fresh air today and try and get some distance in.

Walk, jog, run alternate if you need to but stay out for 2 hours.

If you have a smart phone then download the Endomondo app. It tracks your time, distance, pace and plots a handy map.

Post your times and distances on here.
Good luck-enjoy


Sent from Rods iphone

Saturday, 28 January 2012

RODs WOD 28/1/12

The bigger the girth the harder it is!

That got your attention, but it's true - especially when it comes to tree hugging.

ts a beautiful sunny saturday and todays WOD is just that -
Find yourself either a forest of deserving trees or a space with one that you are particularly fond of
and try and hug 30 trees for 30 seconds each!  In between, get a jog or sprint on and, if its only the one tree that you have chosen, sprint away and jog back for another cuddle.  Pick thinner trees for easier hugs and big fat ones for harder hugs.

Should have your core muscles burning away nicely and your heart overjoyed with love.


Thursday, 26 January 2012

RODs WOD 26/1/12

We shall neither fail nor falter; we shall not weaken or tire...give us the tools and we will finish the job. ~ Winston Churchill

Today is an upper body routine aimed at defining shoulders, beefing up the chest and toning the arms

All of these to be done with a light weight (2kg to 12kg depending on your strength) and from the floor - ie no bench required.  Don't forget your interval timer (I use 'interval timer' an app for iphone), pad and pen.

21's again today (3 sets of each exercise - 45 seconds on, 15 second rest - 1 minute break between sets).  The benefit of 21's is a quick cardio and resistance blast in a short space of time (23 minutes in total) - these are done to your own personal, maximum potential with the measure of improvement coming from the reps log that you track during each 15 second break.

Anyone serious about getting in shape should be able to squeeze 23 minutes in each day-right?

  1. Overhead press
  2. Double bent over row
  3. Bench press
  4. Reverse flye
  5. Lateral raises
  6. Close grip bench press
  7. Front raises

As always, pm me if you want help with any of the exercises.

Good luck


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

RODs WOD 25/1/12

"Don’t cry to give up…Cry to keep going." - Eric Thomas

This saying sums it up for me with a busted calf muscle!  'Active' rest called for so todays WOD will reflect just that.  The leg gets a good rest which gives me the perfect opportunity to focus on other bits of the body that need special attention!

Core workout

21's again, as before (7 exercises x 3 sets - each for 45 secs on and 15 secs off - rest 60 secs between sets).

Reverse crunches - (see silly video clip)
Woodchops - (see silly video clip)
Sit ups with twist - (see silly video clip)
Press ups
Full sit ups

result - rested leg - sore abs!

Give it a go and remember to write down your count during your 15 sec rest!

RODs WOD 24/1/12

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places." -Ernest Hemingway

I've noticed just lately that it only seems to be the girls that are out jogging in the wind, the rain and the dark!  It's windy, it's rainy and it's not dark yet...but it will be, you just see!

Get out there and get a 45 minute jog in.  If you're a beginner then break it up into 5 minute brisk walk, 5 minute jog, 5 minute brisk walk, 5 minute jog and so on.  If your advanced then make sure that you are running and not just jogging - no shufflin' allowed here!

'But it's raining Rod' 

- good, it will keep you cool and when you get home to that lovely hot bath that the other half has run for you, you can lie back and say - yay, I did it in the rain and loved it!!!!!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Prisoner of War

Prisoner of War
John Cleese would be proud of this one - I had great fun doing it and nearly wet myself laughing on the playback-what a twit!  However, this is a great exercise and has my clients screaming to make me let them stop!

RODs WOD 23/1/12

"There comes a day when one must rest. Not stop. Not quit. But plan. There is much to be done and a quiet heart and mind is where such plans are made." - Unknown

Nice day off?

Time to get back on it, get that body pumping, those legs moving and that fat disappearing!

Lets start with a 15 minute brisk walk, jog to warm up

We are going with the theme of 21's - ie 7 exercises  performed over 3 sets - each exercise performed for 45 seconds with a 15 second rest and then straight onto the next without rest.  When you reach the 7th, grab yourself 2 minutes rest, a glug of water and then crack on with the next set.
write down your number of repetitions on a piece of paper during the 15 second rest.

High knees
Press ups
Wood chops
Lunges (alternate)
Reverse crunches

As usual, if you need help with any of the above then PM me or request a video upload of the exercise.

Good luck...oh and post your scores!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

RODs WOD 21/1/12

 Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second.
~William James

Inspired by Anke who is sand dune running in harsh wind and sand storms in the dessert as I type this, we are going to try and spur her on by doing the same today!

Find yourself some hills - anything will do, don't aim for the South downs if you're a beginner though and don't opt out for a riverbank if you're a marathon runner!  As a guide, the hill has to be mildly challenging for you to walk up.  Aim for a minimum of 20 meters.

Now 15 minutes brisk walk, jog to warm yourself up, loosen up your hamstrings with a nice hamstring stretch - (toe touching will do) - and off we go.

Facing at a diagonal to the hill, jog up and immediately sprint down. - Repeat this 5 times.
1 minute rest and repeat for 5 sets

That's 25 sprints in total.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Natures wine

We all know that we should be trying to drink 2 litres of water a day - right?
Did you know that, for every 15 minutes if brisk exercise we lose 150ml of water through perspiration and breath!?  So for an hour of exercise we need to take on board an additional 600ml.

Its tough to remember to do it though and we tend to remember, gulp down a pint and then rush to the toilet.
Here's a tip, fill up a 2 litre bottle and sip throughout the day so that you are left with a glassful for bedtime.  Add to this a separate bottle for your workout.

Gulping down the stuff is like over watering a dry plant - it just pours through the soil - better to drip feed it until the soil has absorbed it all - we're just the same!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

RODs WOD 20/1/12

"All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get." 
Morarji Desai

Did you manage yesterdays Power Pressup Hour?  Not to worry if you didn't.  Here's todays circuit style workout.  Perform 45 seconds of each exercise followed by a 15 second rest and then straight onto the next without a break.  When you reach the end, recover for 2 minutes and start again.  Repeat 2 more times.



On the spot run

Press ups

Alternating lunges

Plank - count this as 3 if you do not fail and knock off 1 for every restart (eg plank held for 30 secs, restarted for 15 secs more so 2 scored)


As you go count the number of reps and write down during the 15 second rest.  On the second set do your best to improve on the first and similarly with the third.  Total your reps for each exercise and post them here.  Any problems then PM me or request a video upload.


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

RODs WOD 19/12/12

Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be. ~ John Wooden

Power hour of push-ups: 2-10 push ups every minute on the minute for one hour! Time crunch? go for 30 minutes...just do more per minute.


 'There's a dog watcher walking me' - d'oh.

This 'all over' body workout is simple, effective and do-able anywhere (except a small tunnel or on a wobbly bridge maybe).

Try incorporating burpees into your other routines to up the intensity.  I tend to add sets every quarter of a mile on a long run for example.  

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

RODs WOD 18/1/2012

Today is about finding where you are at.

We are going to do a series of 7 exercises against the clock and for each exercise I want you to count how many repetitions you managed.  if you only manage 1 that's fine, this is to set yourself a fitness benchmark that we are going to revisit in 30 days time.

I will set the exercises along with a brief description.  If anyone needs help with these or any other exercises then I can post a video feed for you.

Clear some space in the living room, garage, garden, office.  No equipment needed other than some form of timer.  For each exercise I want you to work for 50 seconds and rest for 10 before moving on.  When you have finished then take a 1 minute rest, a gulp of water and repeat  2 more times (that's 3 in total).
Use your 10 seconds to record your score on a pad.


Here we go:
Squat jumps - squat as if sitting and jump up in the air, land softly into another squat and repeat.  If you have dodgy knees then leave the jump and just squat.

Push ups - chest to the ground.  If you cant manage this then do from a kneeling position.

Burpees - drop to the ground, press up as above, jump up with arms in air  - that's 1 count

High knees - From a standing position run keeping your knees as high as possible - use the palms of your hands to slap your knees to keep the height.

Jumping lunges - Start in a lunge position and leap into the reverse position.  Each side counts as 1.  If you have dodgy knees then leave out the jump.

Tuck jumps - From the standing position jump up and tuck your knees to your chest.  If you have bad knees then leave this one out.

Sit ups - lying flat on the floor, plant your feet firmly into the ground without using an anchor point sit all the way up with your hands resting at your temples.  If this is too hard then rest your hands on your thighs and slide them up towards your knees.

That's it - 23 minutes in total

Write down your personal scores (ie how many sit ups in total over the 3 sets) keep a record an post them on here for comparison.

Good luck!!


RODs WOD 17/1/12

"We acquire the strength we have overcome." Ralph Waldo Emerson 

High intensity interval training today (HIIT)

Find your particular 'comfort zone' whilst walking, jogging and running, the sprint section takes you beyond this zone for the given period of time.

20 minute warm up within your comfort zone (CZ)

10 second sprint
10 second CZ
10 second sprint
20 second CZ
10 second sprint
30 second CZ
10 second sprint
20 second CZ
10 second sprint
10 second CZ

Repeat this section 3 times

10 minute jog as above

Monday, 16 January 2012

ROD's WOD 16/1/12

"Pain is weakness leaving the body." 

Hope you all enjoyed your day off yesterday?

Today it's Cardio, Strength and Stretch circuit (CSS)
Warm up with a light 15 minute brisk walk/jog followed by a 10 minute stretch
10 push ups, 20 squats, 15 crunches
10 minuites brisk walk/jog 
10 push ups, 20 squats, 15 crunches, 15 good mornings
10 minutes brisk walk/jog 
10 push ups, 20 squats, 15 crunches, 15 good mornings, 8 burpees

10 minute stretch...

...and rest

Try and do the above without a break.  It should take you under an hour and your heart rate should be elevated throughout.  Sip water as you need it. 

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Meet the team ;@)

Working with our team of qualified Personal Trainers, these are the girls that are going to help out at this Aprils Fitness retreat.

Dog running will be part of the training.  Either hiding from the dogs, out running the dogs, being chased down by them or staying on their trails.  Great exercise and brilliant motivation!
Meg, Tia, Rosie and Indi

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Like steel

A friend has just completed a difficult set of hill sprints - in the desert!
Aneke preparing for her Three Peaks with some desert running
Exhausted, drained, sick and shakey I asked how she felt -
 'like steel' was her reply.

Your workout may feel tough at the time and you may feel that you just cant do it, but, with determination, you will succeed and that feeling that she describes will hit you and you will feel like you can run through walls.

Friday, 13 January 2012

RODs WOD 14/1/12

"Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way."

~Satchel Paige

Lets try and get some distance tomorrow. It's the weekend - get out an enjoy it. The best way to break up a long run or hike is to incorporate some strength sets periodically in your long aerobic efforts. So during a 1-2 hour run put in some sets of lunges and sit ups every 15 minutes!

ROD's WOD 13/1/12

Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. ~ Pat Riley
Time to concentrate on finding your core -no excuses on this one:

Look for 10 opportunities to challenge your bodies balance and list them here.


Stand on one leg whilst brushing teeth
Walk along the curbside without falling off
Hop to the photocopier
Lift both legs right out of the chair

Everytime we challenge our balance our bodies 'engine' kicks in to compensate, burning calories, tightening muscles and reprogramming our ability.

Spring Fitness retreat

5 days of intense exercise, classes, motivation, competition and quality food, rounded up by the campfire and then off to bed in your own luxury Bell tent.

Skills training include knife defence, self defence, stick training and survival
Team building includes raft building, log carry and escape and evade

Plenty of time to relax with Michelin trained chef, campfire games and daytime chill out
Each client has their own luxury '10 person' Bell tent complete with all the trimmings!

Our trainers, instructors and Michelin trained chef are there to ensure that you come away feeling like a new person - relaxed, motivated, super-fit and  ready to start your own new healthy lifestyle regime.

Located in a beautiful part of Suffolk with rolling fields, woodlands and water features your day will start with either an early morning swim, jog or class followed by a healthy breakfast and a day of exercise instruction, team challenges, special skills training and healthy cooking classes.  Added to this 3 healthy meals prepared by our Michelin trained chef and 2 power meals to keep you going in between.  The evenings are rounded off with a team game and a campfire gathering with your new found friends and team mates.

We have all levels of adventure from Cross-country dog running and open water challenges to yoga, pilates and stretch, combat skills, raft building and body sculpting.

The retreat will cost £950 to include all classes, activities, meals, insurance and luxury 'glamping'.

Provisional dates 21st to 26th April 2012 (subject to numbers)

Register your interest to receive further updates and special offers

Thursday, 12 January 2012

RODs WOD 12/1/12

“The simplest things are often the truest.” - Richard Bach

Lets get outside today while its so lovely.  If you're at home all day then try and get an hour in - brisk walk 15 mins, stroll 15 mins, jog 15 mins, brisk walk 15 mins - you can break these up into 2 halves if it helps.
If you're working 15 mins lunchtime before you eat - brisk walk, 15 mins, jog 15 mins, brisk walk 15 mins.

If this is too easy turn it into jog, run, jog and if thats too easy, run, jog, run.

As always - post your times for me!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

RODs WOD Wed 11/1/12

“The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.” -Max Lerner
30 sec plank every hour on the hour while you are awake in the day. 
Stop what you are doing and plank.  

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

RODs WOD Tuesday 10/1/12

Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. -John Maxwell 

Ok yesterday's may have been a bit tough on some ;@)

Try this today for time again
 15 lunges
12 crunches
7 press ups
5 Burpees
 Repeat twice

 Post your times Good luck

Monday, 9 January 2012


I will be posting a daily workout aimed at beginner/intermediates that want to try and get into shape in 2012. Try and keep up with the workouts that I set and post your timed results back here.

 Good luck and here's Day 1 

Success is sweet: the sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats. -A. Branson Alcott 

Here's RODs first WOD as promised

Do the following and register your time:

10 lunges
10-20 push ups
run/brisk walk 1-2 miles
20 body weight squats
10-20 push ups
run/brisk walk
1-2 miles
2 sets 20 crunches

 If you don't have time for the run/walk then try and get the body weight stuff in and a walk when home from work.

 Good luck and and don't forget to  post your results


Friday, 6 January 2012

Fitness retreat update

Spring Fitness retreat

By popular demand here it is at last, our first fitness retreat.  5 days of intense exercise, classes, motivation, competition and quality food, rounded up by the campfire and then off to bed in your own luxury Bell tent.

Skills training include knife defence, self defence, stick training and survival
Team building includes raft building, log carry and escape and evade

Plenty of time to relax with Michelin trained chef, campfire games and daytime chill out
Each client has their own luxury '10 person' Bell tent complete with all the trimmings!

Our trainers, instructors and Michelin trained chef are there to ensure that you come away feeling like a new person - relaxed, motivated, super-fit and  ready to start your own new healthy lifestyle regime.

Located in a beautiful part of Suffolk with rolling fields, woodlands and water features your day will start with either an early morning swim, jog or class followed by a healthy breakfast and a day of exercise instruction, team challenges, special skills training and healthy cooking classes.  Added to this 3 healthy meals prepared by our Michelin trained chef and 2 power meals to keep you going in between.  The evenings are rounded off with a team game and a campfire gathering with your new found friends and team mates.

We have all levels of adventure from Cross-country dog running and open water challenges to yoga, pilates and stretch, combat skills, raft building and body sculpting.

The retreat will cost £950 to include all classes, activities, meals, insurance and luxury 'glamping'.

Provisional dates 21st to 26th April 2012 (subject to numbers)

Register your interest to receive further updates and special offers

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Reset your fitness at our Spring retreat

Spring Fitness retreat

By popular demand here it is at last, our first fitness retreat.  5 days of intense exercise, classes, motivation, competition and quality food, rounded up by the campfire and then off to bed in your own luxury Bell tent.

Our trainers, instructors and chef are there to ensure that you come away feeling like a new person - relaxed, motivated, super-fit and  ready to start your own new healthy lifestyle regime.

Located in a beautiful part of Suffolk with rolling fields, woodlands and water features your day will start with either an early morning swim, jog or class followed by a healthy breakfast and a day of exercise instruction and healthy cooking classes.  We have all levels of adventure from Cross-country dog running and open water challenges to yoga, pilates and stretch.

The retreat will cost £950 to include all classes, activities, meals, insurance and luxury 'glamping'.

Provisional dates 21st to 26th April 2012 (subject to numbers)

Register your interest to receive further updates and special offers