Well, here we are a few days after the big binge that saw us planning, making, shopping, inviting and spending for 3 months in order to ensure that our families had 'the best christmas ever'.
Brussel sprouts, mince pies, beer, christmas cake, christmas pudding, snowballs, beer, crisps, turkey, ham. beer, mulled wine, tv, more beer, more tv.....uggg.
Well now could be the perfect time to get your head to talk to your legs and sort out a new exercise and healthy eating regime. Often, following a period of excess, we feel the most motivated to get back to the gym, start a diet or get out on regular walks.
This year how about grabbing that post Christmas duldrum by the throat and shout to your legs
For those that are already in shape but looking for a new challenge then Crossfire have designed the Spartan extreme courses. A series of tough training with automatic registration into 2012 Spartan Sprint raising money for 'Help for Heroes' whilst tackling mud, barbed wire crawls, woodland sprints, tyre runs and lots more.
So come on get off the couch and get in shape!!!