Monday, 26 March 2012

Yesterdays strength sets

Right then - don't forget that tomorrow you need to be doing your strength sets if you want to look like Sarah C - (she has been doing these routines for 8 weeks now and is beginning to look pretty damn good - if I may say so).

Usual routine 3 sets of 6 exercises performed with good form for 30 seconds each and with a 10 sec. transition/rep count.

Post your rep counts on this post and I will record them and award a special prize to the best improver - last session was awarded to Sarah French who won the dubious prize of an hours free 1 to 1 personal training session - bad luck Sarah!

For those of you that like popcorn.... is another Crossfire home movie production to help you remember. As usual it is rubbish and I appear to have cut my head of, but hopefully it will steer you in the right direction.

have fun


Sunday, 18 March 2012

Mothers Day workout

"Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving."
Dennis Waitley

That said lets test ourselves to failure today.  (Yes, I know, It's Mothers Day - A sneaky little 15 minutes or so is perfectly acceptable if you are the warrior that your family all believe you are.)

Press ups ( 3 sets back to back) - Standard wide arms, military (narrow arms at sides), inverted (feet raised).  
no rest
Sit ups (3 sets back to back) - Reverse crunch, Russian twist, full sit-up with double punch. 
no rest
Chins (3 sets back to back) - Wide overhand, narrow overhand, narrow underhand
no rest

Repeat 5 times.

Perform each exercise until your body fails, move immediately onto the next exercise and, again do to failure (you will probably not be able to do many by the 2nd and 3rd exercise).

Tough...I lasted 17 minutes - which my wife will tell you is a long time for me ;@)

How long can you last??

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Whey protein special launch offer

We are going to be placing an order for whey protein next week.  For details of the product, follow this link
Designer Whey
Normal price is £34.99 but I will be offering this exclusively to LGSF and Crossfire members ONLY at a discounted rate of £28

This supplement is suitable for all body types, brilliant as a lean muscle gainer so great for helping with your weight loss programme or for bulking up.

Get your orders in by Tuesday on this post please.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Rods WOD. 14/3/2012

Spring is let's do some springing!

5 sets back to back. Active rest of 30 seconds using full sit ups

10 burpees
10 squat jumps
10 mountain climbs (each side)
10 jumping lunges (each side)

Boing boing!!!

Monday, 12 March 2012

15 minute Strength routine - 3rd week

We're into our 3rd week and these are a little harder as we have added some more explosive movements that will get your heart pumping and your thighs and bum burning.

As always 3 sets of each exercise performed for 30 seconds with a 10 second break to write down your rep count and for the transition to the next exercise.

Click here to join our fitness group on Facebook - you don't have to live in Sussex (or even the UK) to join in!

Click here to join our fitness group on Facebook - you don't have to live in Sussex (or even the UK) to join in!