Wednesday, 13 June 2012

10 men wanted to join the programme

We're looking for 10 guys to join me with a new P.E.P (Primal Elements Programming) training course. Working out in the forests, woods, beaches and streets and utilising natural movement- we will hone you to the fittest, fastest, strongest shape that you have been.

Beware though, this is no so called 'boot camp' this is hardcore and will leave you bruised, cut, stung, wet through and covered in mud and sweat. It will involve, climbing, swimming, sprinting, fighting, crawling, leaping, balancing and lifting blended with Japanese elements style thinking and parkour style action.

This will be limited to 10 men for 10 weeks, for two sessions per week. Training will be carried out on a tues and thurs eve at 6.30 pm and will last for approx 90 minutes There will be a benchmark physical test in order to become a member of the group and one at the end of the 10 weeks to measure improvement. The group is targeted at those that perhaps used to be fit but have let themselves slip due to pressure of work/time or to those that have a level of fitness but want to try a different approach to their training.

As P.E.P training is new and this group will be used as part of our assessment programme and the results may be used for marketing, the course will be at a subsidised rate of £180 for the 20 sessions including tests and enrolment.

To join up please send us a personal message with your phone number along with your age, height, weight and level of fitness.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Try this high protein breakfast cereal

Try this as a high protein, kickstart breakfast alternative -

Take a 5lb protein tub and leave about 1 inch of protein powder in the bottom

Add your fav nut and seed mix.

Shake it all up well and serve with a few scoops of natural yogurt

This is what I put in mine:

oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hep seed, linseed, walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, pecan nuts, goji berries, cranberries, dried apricots, pitted prunes, pitted dates and some tropical fruit mix.

It takes a bit of smashing up to get the consistency right but boy is it worth the effort - and it is really tasty and a great source of complete proteins, minerals such as zinc, magnesium and iron (to mention just a few) and healthy fats and Omegas.

Remember to chew well - so you may need to wake up a bit earlier :@)

This mix is also perfect for a mid morning snack.

To improve it still further - soak the nuts and seeds overnight to trigger sprouting.  This enhances the mineral and vitamin content and reduces any inhibitors which make the mix difficult to digest.